Describing her supported living home as a “living in prison”, Caroline Edwards who has mobility issues and learning difficulties has…
This updated summary provides comprehensive guidance about flu immunisation for public health professionals
Summary of NICE’s new (September 2022) guideline on the management of self-harm. Recommendations that are pertinent to primary healthcare professionals…
Covering the management of healthcare staff with symptoms of a respiratory infection, including COVID-19 and positive COVID-19 test results
Updated in September 2022, this summary covers the identification and classification of overweight and obesity in children and adults, with…
This new Guidelines summary of the multibody 2006 guideline on hot swollen joint considers the diagnosis and management of septic…
Providing updated information and advice (August 2022) for healthcare professionals on monkeypox. Includes vaccination recommendations and a useful contact tracing…
This Guidelines summary covers key information on the 2022–2023 flu immunisation programme
The Government has provided comment on its social care reform after concerns had been raised about the budgeting of the…
A succinct summary of the UKHSA’s Green Book chapter 25 pneumococcal vaccination programme