This guideline sets out an antimicrobial prescribing strategy for adults, young people, and children aged 72 hours and over with…
A classic children’s game has been given a new twist to help care home residents get through the coronavirus outbreak….
This brief summary of the British Lymphology Society’s guideline covers the aims of the lymphoedema service, patient needs, and commissioning…
Nourish Care recently held their second Care Analytics Forum at The Hilton Hotel in Bournemouth, where they welcomed 35 care…
Advice on the risk of malnutrition in patients with COPD and managing nutrition appropriately; includes a pathway on oral nutritional supplements.
Primary care professionals can use this information to reduce the risk of spread of infection during and following consultation with…
A concise summary on the initial assessment, diagnosis, and monitoring of asthma in adults, young people, and children. Includes assessment…
This comparison table summarises recommendations on the management of hyperglycaemia in adults with type 2 diabetes from ADA/EASD, NICE, and SIGN.
This easy-to-read summary of NICE’s guideline explores the diagnosis and management of tension, migraine, cluster, and medication overuse headaches.
Primary care professionals can use this information to reduce the risk of spread of infection during and following consultation with…