A care home in Rainham, Essex has been rated ‘Inadequate’ by the CQC and placed in ‘special measures’. The Fountains…
People living at an Inadequate rated care home have been provided with alternative accommodation to ensure their safety and wellbeing….
Not for profit care home provider, The Fremantle Trust, has announced the closure of Carey Lodge in Wing, Buckinghamshire after…
A charity for people with learning disabilities has said it is “devastated” after being rated ‘Inadequate’ by the CQC. An…
Country Court has announced the closure of nursing services at a Somerset care home after it was rated Inadequate. Priory…
A Lockerbie care home has had its registration suspended after an inspection identified “serious and significant concerns”. Singleton Park Care…
Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Kate Terroni, has promised the CQC will be “proportionate” in regulating compliance with mandatory…
The Care Quality Commission (CQC) is hosting a webinar next week on how it is currently monitoring and prioritising inspections….
The Care Inspectorate has begun legal action to cancel the registration of a Lockerbie care home after an inspection identified…