Head of Marketing, Hayley Levene, provides insight into Leaders in Care Headline Sponsor and leading quality and risk management software…
The CQC chief inspector of Adult Social Care has suggested that now might be the time to start a conversation about…
Chief Inspector of Adult Social Care, Kate Terroni on how the CQC is engaging with the people who draw on…
Barry Price, of QCS, explains why a robust code of conduct is the best way to maintain professional boundaries The…
Further instability in social care risks turning into a ‘tsunami of unmet need’, the CQC has said. The stark warning…
Cutting-edge research revealed by QCS’s Dementia Care Champion, Jackie Pool (pictured), strongly supports the wellbeing benefits of a therapeutic soft,…
An Inadequate rated care home failed to keep people clean and maintain their dignity, the CQC has said. An inspection…
A Kent care home with staffing issues has been rated Inadequate by the CQC following an inspection in July. An…
A care home that silenced its fire alarm system shortly before a small fire broke out has been rated Inadequate…
Ridouts Associate Solicitor Anna-Maria Lemmer considers the CQC’s current Monitoring Approach and how it will impact providers, their ratings and their…