At Taten Care our support is tailored to each person’s individual need through a structured care and support plan. We encourage each person at Taten Care to take control of their lives and work towards achieving their personal goals. We support young adults to gain confidence and life skills they need to realise their potential and build the foundation for a truly independent living.
At Taten Care we have experience of working with Young People from diverse backgrounds; our model is based on strong ethical beliefs of quality, service and value through a great provision of service. Our staff is highly skilled and has robust experience in working with young people adults, families and carers.
At Taten Care, our support workers are DBS checked, trained and receive on-going training and are supported to enhance their qualification within the industry. Support Workers and Key Workers are regularly supervised and assessed to ensure they are working to their best ability. It is our commitment that we maintain competent, motivated and skilled staff at Taten Care. We recognise the importance of training in achieving good quality care. Taten Care has its own training centre which provides core skills training to all its employees.
There is regular staff supervision at Taten Care which enable out management to identify the training needs of staff. Taten Care is fully committed to all care staff completing their Diploma Level 3 in Children and Young People Workforce and to supporting our qualified staff to maintain, develop and extend their professional knowledge.
Taten Care Homes staffs are trained in the following: