Dementia is generally chronic or progressive in nature and entails a deterioration of cognitive function beyond normal aging, impacting about 50 million people across the globe. From memory, orientation and thinking, to comprehension, calculation, and language, the decline in cognitive function is generally met with deterioration in emotional and social control. Dementia is caused by a variety of diseases that impact the brain, and there is currently no cure available, but there are palliative treatments designed to ease the suffering and confusion of the sufferer.
Mental health illnesses are a global issue that touches nearly every person in some way — and these are just a few of the most commonly documented. While every situation is unique, there are treatment and recovery options available to help an individual achieve strength and support. Taking the time to recognize your symptoms and get an accurate diagnosis can help best determine the most appropriate treatment — be it be pharmaceutical intervention or treatment plan involving psychotherapy with a licensed therapist.

Whatever you are going through in life at Taten Care we are always there to give you a helping hand and listen to whenever you need to talk to someone.